Ordinary Paris and the Art of Noticing
(via Ratika Deshpande). In this article by Lauren Elkin, she discusses Georges Perec’s book, An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris, published in 1975.
… in which he records spending three days sitting in the Place Saint Sulpice trying to write down everything he sees around him—which buses go by, what kinds of cars, what the people and birds are doing, what the cafes are serving, who’s drinking which wine with lunch, what the street signs say, if there are nuns, who’s carrying a shopping bag, a plank, a crate, etc.
The idea is not a new one. I often sit at the coffee shop and write what I observe in a similar way. Today I went to visit my friend. She was not yet ready. I went to the pocket park nearby to observe. I took a seat on the bench, the dusty cigarette butts were scattered here and there. Not too many, but someone has to pick them up. Then on the corner of the Hull Building (1st Avenue and Battery Street) a painter is working outside and blasting classic rock. I peer inside the empty storefront. There is nothing but old linoleum. If I have time maybe later I will research this building more but other than that it is just empty. Waiting for something.
I did not need to wait too long. She texted me back but she is still waking up, so I am sitting here typing away on my phone. This is what such small public parks are for. Waiting and noticing.